Quick Menu:

1.  Outlines and Guides for Liturgy
2. Calendars and daily readings
3.  Music planning
4.  Saints of the Day
5.  Breviary/Divine Office/ Liturgy of the Hours

Outlines and guides for liturgies and Mass

What is Liturgy? and The Directory for Masses with Children  (CCCB New Texts available here)

Mass Planning Checklist/template

Faith in 15 minutes – an introduction to the new Missal (pptx)

Framework for Gathered Prayer for morning intercom prayer

CCCB Guidelines for Liturgical Music 2015

Guidelines for Liturgical Music from Regina Catholic Schools

New Mass Responses Power Point

Mass Booklet with new revisions

New Mass Responses card standard version

New Psalms

Nicene and Apostles Creeds

Reconciliation Resources

How to Pray the Rosary (power points)

The Glorious Mysteries

The Mysteries of Light

The Joyful Mysteries

The Sorrowful Mysteries

Pray the Rosary with Salt and Light TV

Calendars and daily readings:



Table of Sundays:

Music Planning:

  • St Louis Jesuits Sunday web-site
    The Music of Sunday’s Mass page has some helpful links, including “Sunday’s music in parishes” which lists the music being used in a number of American parishes each week.
  • Canadian Bishop’s Conference Music Suggestions
  • Music Ministry Suggestions from Mount Carmelan interesting resource – there are some differences between us and Canadian lectionary choices – check before you plunge in.
  • CanticaNOVA publications 
    Music and liturgical suggestions for Year A,  Year B   and Year C, from an American company specialising in quality / traditional music.  Strong emphasis on Latin and official texts.
  • Music for Mass:  
    Settings of the psalm and gospel acclamation produced by Kate Keefe, a musician in the United Kingdom.   Includes settings for both UK, US and now some Canadian settings are on the way. Focuses on simple, singable tunes.
  • Liturgy Music Planner
    A set of suggestions from the Archdiocese of Southwark, in England.   Includes traditional hymns, and also more popular folk-hymn genre suggestions.
    (Look for an up-do-date link in the lower-left side on their page)

Liturgical song suggestions from a major Australian publisher.

  • PraySingMinistry
    Settings of the Psalms from the Phillipines.  Some in Tagalog, some in English.
  • Music Ministry
    A comprehensive set of suggestions from an Australian parish
  • Living LiturgyA regular seasonal newsletter from an Australian diocese:  includes various seasonal prayers and a detailed Sunday planner..
  • Free-to-use Sunday Hymn Suggestions  
    LiturgyTools.net’s own listing of hymns that match the Sunday reading themes, and are free from copyright.   Based in Ireland, but drawing suggestions from various English-speaking sources
  • Top Catholic Songs This website is a place where people can discover and appreciate Catholics songs both old and new. Top Catholic Songs helps Catholic songwriters, songleaders, catechists and group leaders with song selection, songwriting, do-it-yourself song notation (with Sibelius) and promotion. Catholic artists share talents, tips, influences, favorite songs or stories related to their journey in music. The lists of songs we publish are dynamically connected to iTunes where a seeker of quality Catholic music can listen, purchase music tracks, burn a CD and continue discovering new artists.