TEST: New Emergency Communications System – Regina Catholic Schools

Jun 13, 2024 | Good News, Regina Catholic School Division

Please note: On the morning of Tuesday, June 18, RCSD will run a test of a new emergency communications system. This test will send out a phone call, text and email to all parents. There is no action you need to take when this happens. Below are more details about the way we will use this new platform. 

RCSD is set to use a new tool for emergency communications beginning at the end of June. It may also be used in urgent situations such as a division-wide transportation cancellation.

We will send all calls and text messages from a toll-free number, 1-877-731-4160.

We will send all emergency emails from noreply@schoolbundle.ca. Please note this address is not monitored and you cannot reply to it.

How else will we communicate with stakeholders?

All expected and non-emergent communication from Regina Catholic Schools and each school office will reach you via Edsby at the email address you provided at registration. Those emails come from Edsby but go directly to the inboxes of parents, even if you haven’t made an account.

All other news and updates can be found in the Edsby “River of News” at the top of the page. Parents with Edsby accounts can receive notification of news articles as they are posted, but need to open Edsby to see this content. For those without an Edsby account (but please, we’d really love it if you had an account), all content safe to share publicly will also be available on the division and/or school website.

SCSBA Good News

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