Written by: Lisa Busta
Something wonderful and exciting is happening at all schools in Holy Trinity Catholic School Division in Moose Jaw this year! Student lead Ministry Teams are being created in both our elementary schools and high schools, led by students who are enthusiastic about sharing their love for Jesus with their schools. What is the history of Ministry Teams in Holy Trinity? Vanier Collegiate has had a ministry team for over twenty years, initially being called the Vanier Retreat Team, whose goal was to lead a Grade 9 retreat every year. Nowadays, the Vanier Ministry Team continues to host a Grade 9 Retreat in the spring, but they also help with leading and serving at Mass, come together to pray, lead the annual Vanier Lenten Fast, fundraise for charities, lead Stations of the Cross at church, share their faith with their peers, and many other activities that promote Catholic teachings and kindness to all.

École St Margaret

École St Margaret
HTCSD Chaplain, Lisa Busta, former Chaplain of Vanier Collegiate and head of the Vanier Ministry Team at Vanier, had an idea about creating even more Ministry Teams, but this time in the elementary schools in HTCSD. It has been a wonderful experience to see the students come together in their various schools, leading and witnessing their faith to their friends, classmates, and school community.
The elementary school ministry teams consist of Grades 6-8 students. Mostly, they are reading at Masses, decorating their schools with posters with scripture readings on them, seasonally decorating their schools according to the Liturgical calendar, and coming together to pray the Rosary. As time goes on, it will be exciting to see how these elementary teams grow and change. And of course, once they go to high school, we hope they continue to witness their faith and continue to serve the Lord.
Please keep our HTCSD Ministry teams in your prayers! God bless!

Sacred Heart